
Jonny Niesche staring at the sky (munich)

TQ yorgos stamkopoulos untitled 2024

Yorgos Stamkopoulos

TQ Gerold Miller total object 358 2024

Gerold Miller
»total object 360«


We believe that editions are a great and affordable way of developing a closer relationship with contemporary art and to start a collection of one's own, over time.

In our editions program we focus on work series of unique pieces or editions of which each piece either has a unique character or which are limited to a very low number.

All our edition projects are showcased in our project space at Franz-Josefs-Kai 3, downtown Vienna. You can also find our editions at Art Cologne or viennacontemporary every year.

TQ2 oscillations i hautamäki j stamkopoulos

Ilari Hautamäki
»Sketch for dawn«

05 j fegerl a duscha power harvest

Andreas Duscha

TQ raphaela riepl assorted flavors

Raphaela Riepl
»Assorted Flavors«

TQ charlotte klobassa signature move 01

Charlotte Klobassa
»Signature Moves«

TQ regine schumann colormirror soft double satin blue vienna

Regine Schumann
»colormirror soft double satin blue vienna«

FB niko abramidis creature PNL eagle

Niko Abramidis &NE
»Creature PNL (CA)«

TQ Peter Jellitsch September Variations c Markus Gradwohl

Peter Jellitsch
»September Variations«

TQ e alberti abstract relationships c florian langhammer

Elisa Alberti
»abstract relationships«

17 j fegerl a duscha power harvest

Judith Fegerl
»full spectrum«

TQ2 e zenun taking cuts c florian langhammer

Edin Zenun
»Taking Cuts«

A werner the mad abstract dark ground it 2023

Andreas Werner
»the mad abstract dark, ground it«

TQ t lechner gina 2015 2022

Tina Lechner

TQ 01 carsten fock painting and its discontent 2022

Carsten Fock
»Painting and Its Discontents«

TQ PH two minds thinking two thoughts three words making you soft I 2022 1000px

Paul Hutchinson
»two minds thinking two thoughts three words making you soft«

TQ brigitte kowanz 12igh20 c Simon Veres neutral

Brigitte Kowanz

04 Dejan Dukic i still believe in paradise c Simon Veres

Dejan Dukic
»I still believe in Paradise«

Manuel tainha TARRAXA 2021

Manuel Tainha

Tq Christoph Weber Close Disclose

Christoph Weber
»Close Disclose«

Tq anna jemolaewa adapters

Anna Jermolaewa

Tq Temp Peter Jellitsch Artifacts Of The Future

Peter Jellitsch
»Artifacts of the Future«

Tq Group 06 10 08 09 03 Var Jonny Niesche Chocolate Box Portals

Jonny Niesche
»Chocolate Box Portals«

Tq Love Art Socks

Collectors Agenda
LOVE ART socks

Tq Clemens Wolf Line Drawing 11

Clemens Wolf
»Line Drawings«

Tq Regine Schumann Colormirror Rainbow Full Series 2020

Regine Schumann
»colormirror rainbow wien«

Tq Asger Dybvad Larsen Cutup31

Asger Dybvad Larsen
»Untitled (Cut-up 31)«

Tq Whole Series

Madeleine Boschan
»What lays bare in me«

Tq New Snowball Angelika Loderer

Angelika Loderer
»Snowball« (Edition)

Tq Tjenssen Smooth Operator01

Thilo Jenssen
»Smooth Operator«

Tq Fire Boy Tobias Zielony

Tobias Zielony
»Fire Boy«

Tq Esther Stocker Knitterskulpturen

Esther Stocker

Tq Dahlgren No Stars But Stripes

Jacob Dahlgren
»No Stars, But Stripes«

Tq Lisa Holzer Edition

Lisa Holzer
»Keep All Your Friends«

Tq Martin Lukac First Trial Today Untitled

Martin Lukáč
»Free trial today!«

Tq Andreas Duscha Kernauge Mitch

Andreas Duscha

Tq Younggods 1569 Cut 23X29

Stefanie Moshammer
»Fred's Sword«

Tq If Colors Could Speak

Kay Walkowiak
»If Colors Could Speak«

Tq Wfeiersinger Chandigarh

Werner Feiersinger
»Untitled (Chandigarh)«

Tq Basim Magdy Cassowarius Rex 2015

Basim Magdy
»Cassowarius Rex«

Tq John Skoog limited-release art edition (Rift 1) South Wall; (Rift 2) North Wall; (Rift 11) East Wall

John Skoog

Tq Tmallison Chair Constructions

Tyler Mallison
»Untitled (Chair Constructions)«

Tq Twilight (earth-core) 2015, limited-release art edition by U.S. artist Doug Aitken

Doug Aitken
»Twilight (earth-core)«

Tq2 Nick Oberthaler Exit

Nick Oberthaler

Tq Neu Lcoderch Souvenir Onyx

Lúa Coderch
»Souvenir [Onyx]«

Tq Clemens Wolf Expanded Metal Pigment Painting 08

Clemens Wolf
»Expanded Metal Pigment Paintings«

Tq2 Spompery Welten

Sophia Pompéry
»Worlds (small Germany)«

Tq Toni R Toivonen Short Story 05 06

Toni R. Toivonen
»Short Story«

Tq Aduscha For My Mother

Andreas Duscha
»For my mother«

Tq Edition Jonny Niesche

Jonny Niesche
»Aura Panels«

Tq Robert La Roche 28

Robert La Roche

Tq 22 5432

Dejan Dukic

Tq Spielplastik (Play Sculpture), folded inkjet print on Photo Rag paper, limited-release art edition by Danish artist Sofie Thorsen

Sofie Thorsen

Tq Edition Esther Stocker

Esther Stocker

Tq De Koekkoek Ume

Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek
»Jumping Cats«

Tq Truff Zeitungsfoto021

Thomas Ruff
»Zeitungsfoto 021«

Tq Edition 09

Jonathan Meese, Daniel Richter, Tal R
»Es gibt sie noch die Dinge«

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