

TQ Andreas Duscha c Maximilian Pramatarov

Andreas Duscha, Vienna

Tq Thilo Jenssen

Thilo Jenssen, Vienna

Alona Rodeh Tq

Alona Rodeh, Berlin

Tq Marusa Sagadin

Maruša Sagadin, Vienna

25 Toni Schmale Web Tq

Toni Schmale, Vienna


05 j fegerl a duscha power harvest

Andreas Duscha


TQ j fegerl a duscha power harvest

Judith Fegerl, Andreas Duscha
»power harvest«
18 October – 26 November, 2022

07 a loderer a duscha freeze fjk3

Angelika Loderer, Andreas Duscha
22 January – 29 February, 2020

08 thilo jenssen smooth operator fjk3

Thilo Jenssen
»Smooth Operator«
7 – 22 June, 2019


#3D printing #abstract #AI #animals #animation #anthropocene #architecture #artbooks #artcollection #artinsurance #assemblage #assemblages #audiovisual #biennale #biology #black #body #brass #canvas #ceramic #chrome #clay #collage #collecting #collectorcouple #conceptual #concrete #culturalmanagement #culture #cyanotype #death #Denmark #design #digital #documenta #domesticity #drawing #ecology #editino #edition #energy #entrepreneur #exhibition #expressionism #fabric #fashion #female #feminism #fiction #figurative #film #fotowien #foundobject #franzjosefskai3 #future #gallerist #gender #glass #humanism #identity #illustration #ink #installation #interaction #landscape #latex #life #light #loveart #male #masculinity #metal #metaverse #mineral #minimal #minimalism #mirror #mixed-media #monotype #multimedia #narrative #nature #neon #newmedia #nordic #object #objects #oil #painting #performance #performative #photography #physics #pigment #plastic #political #postdocumentality #print #process #queer #relief #research #scent #science #sculpture #society #solar energy #sound #steel #streetart #symbolism #tapestry #taste #technology #text #textile #tufting #typography #urban #utopia #venicebiennale #video #virtual #writing #youngcollector #Albanian #Algerian #American #Argentinian #Australian #Austrian #Brazilian #British #Canadian #Chinese #Congolese #Croatian #Czech #Danish #Dutch #Egyptian #Finnish #Franco-Senegalese #French #German #Ghanaian #Greek #Iranian #Irish #Israeli #Italian #Japanese #Korean #Kuwaiti #Latvian #Lebanese #Macedonian #Mexican #newzealander #Nigerian #Norwegian #Peruvian #Polish #Portuguese #Romanian #Russian #Serbian #Slovak #Slovenian #Slowak #Southtyrolean #Spanish #Swedish #Swiss #Syrian #Turkish #Vietnamese

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