

TQ Kathrin Weber Axel Anderl c Christoph Liebentritt

Axel Anderl and Kathrin Weber, Vienna

TQ Nina Beier c Simon Dybbroe Moeller

Nina Beier, Copenhagen

TQ jens peter brask c mads guldager

Jens-Peter Brask, Copenhagen

Tq Claus Busch Risvig

Claus Busch Risvig, Silkeborg

TQ Emilia Alessandro De Stasio c Liz Seabrook

Emilia and Alessandro De Stasio, London

TQ Oliver Elst Laura del Arco c Nora Heinisch v2

Oliver Elst and Laura del Arco, Berlin

TQ Graeflings 190 c Sabrina Weniger

Johanna and Friedrich Gräfling, Wiesen, Germany

Tq Franz Ihm Nina Gscheider © Liebentritt Christoph 16  Dezember 2019

Nina Gscheider and Franz Ihm, Vienna

TQ Lukas Jakob c Johannes Baudrexel

Lukas Jakob, Gundelfingen, Germany

Tq Smjaentti

Sanna-Mari Jäntti, Helsinki

Tq Erling Kagge

Erling Kagge, Oslo

Tq Henrik Kanekrans

Henrik Kanekrans, Stockholm

König Tq

Johann und Lena König, Berlin

Tq Avkorff

Adrienne von Korff, Prague

TQ Nana Mandl c Maximilian Pramatarov

Nana Mandl, Vienna

3 X8 A9566 noraheinisch tq

Timo Miettinen, Berlin

Tq Nuriel Molcho, entrepreneur and art collector, NENI, Vienna

Nuriel Molcho, Vienna

TQ Pierre Nabhan c Elise Toide

Pierre Nabhan, Paris

Tq Enordenhake

Erik Nordenhake, Stockholm

Tq Robert Punkenhofer, cultural manager, founder of Art & Idea, and entrepreneur Carl Suchy, Barcelona

Robert Punkenhofer, Barcelona/Vienna

Kristian Roland Tq Neu

Kristian Roland, Aarhus

Tq Joelle Romba of Rocca Foundation, expert on contemporary art at Sotheby's Berlin

Joëlle Romba, Berlin

TQ annette rainer stadler c florian langhammer

Annette and Rainer Stadler, Munich

H Steinbrecher Pfandt

Christina Steinbrecher-Pfandt, Vienna

Tq2 Mia Und Gregor

Miriam Strobach and Gregor Einetter, Vienna

H Michael Trestik, architect, writer, collector and artist, Prague

Michael Trestik, Prague

Tq Peach

Birgit Vollmeier and Yudi Warsosumarto of PEACH, Vienna

Tq Jwidlund

Jan Widlund, Stockholm

Tq Altstadtvienna

Otto and Saskia Wiesenthal, Vienna

Tq Franz Wojda, art collector, Vienna

Franz Wojda, Vienna


#3D printing #abstract #AI #animals #animation #anthropocene #architecture #artbooks #artcollection #artinsurance #assemblage #assemblages #audiovisual #biennale #biology #black #body #brass #canvas #ceramic #chrome #clay #collage #collecting #collectorcouple #conceptual #concrete #culturalmanagement #culture #cyanotype #death #Denmark #design #digital #documenta #domesticity #drawing #ecology #editino #edition #energy #entrepreneur #exhibition #expressionism #fabric #fashion #female #feminism #fiction #figurative #film #fotowien #foundobject #franzjosefskai3 #future #gallerist #gender #glass #humanism #identity #illustration #ink #installation #interaction #landscape #latex #life #light #loveart #male #masculinity #metal #metaverse #mineral #minimal #minimalism #mirror #mixed-media #monotype #multimedia #narrative #nature #neon #newmedia #nordic #object #objects #oil #painting #performance #performative #photography #physics #pigment #plastic #political #postdocumentality #print #process #queer #relief #research #scent #science #sculpture #society #solar energy #sound #steel #streetart #symbolism #tapestry #taste #technology #text #textile #tufting #typography #urban #utopia #venicebiennale #video #virtual #writing #youngcollector #Albanian #Algerian #American #Argentinian #Australian #Austrian #Brazilian #British #Canadian #Chinese #Congolese #Croatian #Czech #Danish #Dutch #Egyptian #Finnish #Franco-Senegalese #French #German #Ghanaian #Greek #Iranian #Irish #Israeli #Italian #Japanese #Korean #Kuwaiti #Latvian #Lebanese #Macedonian #Mexican #newzealander #Nigerian #Norwegian #Peruvian #Polish #Portuguese #Romanian #Russian #Serbian #Slovak #Slovenian #Slowak #Southtyrolean #Spanish #Swedish #Swiss #Syrian #Turkish #Vietnamese

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