

TQ codes p jellitsch n abramidis c Florian Langhammer

Peter Jellitsch I Niko Abramidis
27 October – 25 November, 2023

TQ e alberti e zenun c florian langhammer

Elisa Alberti I Edin Zenun
26 April – 3 June, 2023

TQ t lechner a werner

Tina Lechner I Andreas Werner
26 January – 4 March, 2023

TQ j fegerl a duscha power harvest

Judith Fegerl, Andreas Duscha
»power harvest«
18 October – 26 November, 2022

TQ Word Pieces Paul Hutchinson

Paul Hutchinson
»Word Pieces«
9 March – 2 April, 2022

TQ b kowanz c weber c simon veres

Brigitte Kowanz, Christoph Weber
»Geteilter Raum«
15 October – 20 November, 2021

TQ martin lukac no escape c christoph liebentritt

Martin Lukáč
»No Escape«
13 May – 19 June, 2021

Show Fjk Asger Dybvad Larsen

Asger Dybvad Larsen
»A Suggestion About Something Through a Shadow«
1 – 16 February, 2019

02 peter jellitsch artifacts of the future fjk c leonhard hilzensauer

Peter Jellitsch
»Artifacts of the Future«
9 - 25 July, 2020

06 Riiko Sakkinen My Austrian Friends

Riiko Sakkinen
»My Austrian Friends«
23 May – 16 June, 2017

03 Madeleine Boschan What Lays Bare In Me

Madeleine Boschan
»What lays bare in me«
8 September – 14 October, 2017

Show Fjk John Skoog

John Skoog
20 October – 18 November, 2017

01 esther stocker knitterskulpturen c Collectors Agenda

Esther Stocker
24 January – 22 February, 2018

01 jonny niesche aura panels

Jonny Niesche
»Aura Panels«
6 April – 5 May, 2018

10 no stars but stripes fjk

Jacob Dahlgren
»No Stars, But Stripes«
16 Mai – 14 July, 2018

01 Kay Walkowiak If Colors Could Speak Leopold

Kay Walkowiak
»If Colors Could Speak«
12 September – 6 October, 2018

08 dejan dukic reset fjk3

Dejan Dukic
7 November – 1 December, 2018

10 Stefanie Moshammer I Can Be Her FJK3

Stefanie Moshammer
»I Can Be Her«
21 March – 20 April, 2019

08 toni r toivonen madness invited

Toni R. Toivonen
»Madness Invited«
13 September – 12 October, 2019

01 Clemens Wolf Line Drawings fjk3

Clemens Wolf
»Line Drawings«
30 October – 22 November, 2019

07 a loderer a duscha freeze fjk3

Angelika Loderer, Andreas Duscha
22 January – 29 February, 2020

03 dejan dukic restless relays fjk3 zva c simon veres

Dejan Dukic
»Restless Relays«
5 – 27 June, 2020

Esther Stocker Jacob Dahlgren Rules Of Abstraction

Esther Stocker, Jacob Dahlgren
»Rules of Abstraction«
5 – 27 Juni, 2020

04 show FJK R Schumann J Niesche

Regine Schumann, Jonny Niesche
5 – 26 September, 2020

01 manuel tainha pathways

Manuel Tainha
25 March – 19 June, 2021

08 thilo jenssen smooth operator fjk3

Thilo Jenssen
»Smooth Operator«
7 – 22 June, 2019


#3D printing #abstract #AI #animals #animation #anthropocene #architecture #artbooks #artcollection #artinsurance #assemblage #assemblages #audiovisual #biennale #biology #black #body #brass #canvas #ceramic #chrome #clay #collage #collecting #collectorcouple #conceptual #concrete #culturalmanagement #culture #cyanotype #death #Denmark #design #digital #documenta #domesticity #drawing #ecology #editino #edition #energy #entrepreneur #exhibition #expressionism #fabric #fashion #female #feminism #fiction #figurative #film #fotowien #foundobject #franzjosefskai3 #future #gallerist #gender #glass #humanism #identity #illustration #ink #installation #interaction #landscape #latex #life #light #loveart #male #masculinity #metal #metaverse #mineral #minimal #minimalism #mirror #mixed-media #monotype #multimedia #music #narrative #nature #neon #newmedia #nordic #object #objects #oil #painting #performance #performative #photography #physics #pigment #plastic #political #postdocumentality #print #process #queer #relief #research #scent #science #sculpture #society #solar energy #sound #steel #streetart #symbolism #tapestry #taste #technology #text #textile #tufting #typography #urban #utopia #venicebiennale #video #virtual #writing #youngcollector #Albanian #Algerian #American #Argentinian #Australian #Austrian #Brazilian #British #Canadian #Chinese #Congolese #Croatian #Czech #Danish #Dutch #Egyptian #Finnish #Franco-Senegalese #French #German #Ghanaian #Greek #Iranian #Irish #Israeli #Italian #Japanese #Korean #Kuwaiti #Latvian #Lebanese #Macedonian #Mexican #newzealander #Nigerian #Norwegian #Peruvian #Polish #Portuguese #Romanian #Russian #Serbian #Slovak #Slovenian #Slowak #Southtyrolean #Spanish #Swedish #Swiss #Syrian #Turkish #Vietnamese

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