

Tq Jdahlgren

Jacob Dahlgren, Stockholm

Julius Göthlin 02 Tq

Julius Göthlin, Stockholm

Johannes Hagglund Tq Web

Johannes Hägglund, Stockholm

Liva 07 Tq

Liva Isakson Lundin, Stockholm

Tq Henrik Kanekrans

Henrik Kanekrans, Stockholm

Tq Enordenhake

Erik Nordenhake, Stockholm

Tq Jwidlund

Jan Widlund, Stockholm


Tq Dahlgren No Stars But Stripes

Jacob Dahlgren
»No Stars, But Stripes«


Esther Stocker Jacob Dahlgren Rules Of Abstraction

Esther Stocker, Jacob Dahlgren
»Rules of Abstraction«
5 – 27 Juni, 2020


#3D printing #abstract #AI #animals #animation #anthropocene #architecture #artbooks #artcollection #artinsurance #assemblage #assemblages #audiovisual #biennale #biology #black #body #brass #canvas #ceramic #chrome #clay #collage #collecting #collectorcouple #conceptual #concrete #culturalmanagement #culture #cyanotype #death #Denmark #design #digital #documenta #domesticity #drawing #ecology #editino #edition #energy #entrepreneur #exhibition #expressionism #fabric #fashion #female #feminism #fiction #figurative #film #fotowien #foundobject #franzjosefskai3 #future #gallerist #gender #glass #humanism #identity #illustration #ink #installation #interaction #landscape #latex #life #light #loveart #male #masculinity #metal #metaverse #mineral #minimal #minimalism #mirror #mixed-media #monotype #multimedia #narrative #nature #neon #newmedia #nordic #object #objects #oil #painting #performance #performative #photography #physics #pigment #plastic #political #postdocumentality #print #process #queer #relief #research #scent #science #sculpture #society #solar energy #sound #steel #streetart #symbolism #tapestry #taste #technology #text #textile #tufting #typography #urban #utopia #venicebiennale #video #virtual #writing #youngcollector #Albanian #Algerian #American #Argentinian #Australian #Austrian #Brazilian #British #Canadian #Chinese #Congolese #Croatian #Czech #Danish #Dutch #Egyptian #Finnish #Franco-Senegalese #French #German #Ghanaian #Greek #Iranian #Irish #Israeli #Italian #Japanese #Korean #Kuwaiti #Latvian #Lebanese #Macedonian #Mexican #newzealander #Nigerian #Norwegian #Peruvian #Polish #Portuguese #Romanian #Russian #Serbian #Slovak #Slovenian #Slowak #Southtyrolean #Spanish #Swedish #Swiss #Syrian #Turkish #Vietnamese

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